If there is one thing that I have come to appreciate in life it is unconditional love. Love is sweet when it is given out and for the past few days I have experienced amazing love. Last month I decided to apply for a job in a children’s home. At first I did not want to but my friend who saw the advert convinced me to apply. By then I had my own business which was doing well since I could make $300 dollars a week. Well it’s not a big sum in the United States but in Kenya, you can say I was living the life. One week after seeing the advert I applied and told God if He does not want me to go then He should not let me be called for the interview but then I was called. I simply went to the interview as a matter of curiosity but surprise surprise I got the job.
My job is to teach the kids after school and doing some light chores like washing and going to the farm. I also got to learn a lot from the other staff members like one who is called Pat. He is the gardener and he takes his work seriously and he likes asking me questions lots of them till I wonder why. As for the cook she is something else but we get along just fine. The person who impresses me the most is the supervisor. She is one refined lady who acts tough but is really soft on the inside. I noticed that whenever she is hurt she has a teary look in her eye and today when she called me to her office, the tears came rolling. My boss was crying before me. I did not know what to do, I mean of course I could have given her a hug but then I was afraid, this was my new boss. Soon after the meltdown, this is what she said, “Mercy when I put out the advert I cried to God that if He really wanted me to be here then He should send me the right people to work with. Do not think that when you wake up early at five that I am sleeping, I usually wake up at four and start praying for you, for God to lead you through. Now I am grateful that God has answered my prayer since I asked him that if one of you is not meant to be here, then Lord may it be as you have planned.”
I was shocked and touched at the same time. She was being real and keeping it so. I know for many months I have been my own boss, I have never taken orders. I have eaten what I liked and dressed just as I would like but now, I know why God told me to come to this home. God heard this lady’s prayer and He ensured that the right people saw the advert. I like it when my boss smiles because it reminds me that am a prayer answered. My only fear is that I think we can be good friends but I haven’t made a mistake yet so as to see her reaction. All I know is that I am now willing to go down so as to be lifted up since with God nothing is impossible. So, keep believing in God, He has an answer in store for you.

read more of my stories here
My job is to teach the kids after school and doing some light chores like washing and going to the farm. I also got to learn a lot from the other staff members like one who is called Pat. He is the gardener and he takes his work seriously and he likes asking me questions lots of them till I wonder why. As for the cook she is something else but we get along just fine. The person who impresses me the most is the supervisor. She is one refined lady who acts tough but is really soft on the inside. I noticed that whenever she is hurt she has a teary look in her eye and today when she called me to her office, the tears came rolling. My boss was crying before me. I did not know what to do, I mean of course I could have given her a hug but then I was afraid, this was my new boss. Soon after the meltdown, this is what she said, “Mercy when I put out the advert I cried to God that if He really wanted me to be here then He should send me the right people to work with. Do not think that when you wake up early at five that I am sleeping, I usually wake up at four and start praying for you, for God to lead you through. Now I am grateful that God has answered my prayer since I asked him that if one of you is not meant to be here, then Lord may it be as you have planned.”
I was shocked and touched at the same time. She was being real and keeping it so. I know for many months I have been my own boss, I have never taken orders. I have eaten what I liked and dressed just as I would like but now, I know why God told me to come to this home. God heard this lady’s prayer and He ensured that the right people saw the advert. I like it when my boss smiles because it reminds me that am a prayer answered. My only fear is that I think we can be good friends but I haven’t made a mistake yet so as to see her reaction. All I know is that I am now willing to go down so as to be lifted up since with God nothing is impossible. So, keep believing in God, He has an answer in store for you.
read more of my stories here
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