So you want to be a Copywriter
Hi there,
First of all let me start by saying the blunt truth, writing
is not for everyone. Have you ever seen this habit whereby when someone starts
a butchery business in a neighborhood and it does well, several other butcheries
will come up in the next few months? Am sure you have. These other butcheries
sprung out of assumption, no market research was done. The assumption that many
people have is that if there is someone making it in online writing then they too
Copywriting is not copying/ PHOTO/ |
Most people think writing is just typing what they read or
copy pasting. Being an online writer is about being smart and creative. We take
someone else’s idea , read it and then write it in our own words. We research
different sources and put them together using the best creativity and grammar
I have seen several people succeeding in Upwork while I have
been sub contracted there. I have no direct Upwork tasks but guess what? My
gigs on Fiverr are on fire. I almost got discouraged but I said, kwenda uko
Upwork kwani are you the only online work platform? Why am I telling you this? I
am telling you this so that you know there are going to be days you feel like quitting.
You cannot be a writer, a successful one for that matter if
you do not read and hunger for new words. Am not bragging, but I read across
the bridge, the birds of Kamiti, the concubine, a bit of things fall apart when
I was in class three. I loved reading newspapers and watching Richard Quest and
Christina Amanpor on CNN. Their language worked wonders on my mind. I have read
all the Shakespeare books and I keep on looking for more books to read. When I
hear new words I pause and let them sink in so that I can use them in my
I cannot train you on how to write, I can only correct you. The
only way to learn writing is by writing and writing from the heart. Let money
not be your main motivation or else your work lacks salt. You need to write
like your life depends on it. Write because you know you were meant for it, not
because you are jobless or because you have a laptop and internet connection. Write
because you are right.
Yes this is what I needed to hear, hook me up