There is something that really bothers me up to now and the more I think about it, the more I get angry. You see recently I wrote an article for a client on iwriter then they later rejected my article saying they only wanted a native English speaker from America and Canada. The first thing that came to my mind was that this client was nothing but a racist. Yes a racist but now what was even worse than their racist remark was that they were ignorant. I am writing this blog to correct every client’s perspective of who a native writer is. Americans and Canadians are not native English speakers. They were also colonized by the British and the fact is that the original occupants of the big U.S.A were the red Indians and for more information read about Christopher Columbus or even about the pilgrims who brought about thanks giving. Why were they thanking God? Simple they had lived amongst a strange people but peacefully. Traveling from Europe was not a joke.
Canadians have two national
languages, French and English. I do not see why there should be a difference
with an African who speaks their mother tongue and English. Truth be told
Africans speak better English than those so called native speakers. Most of the
Africans are forced to acquire English sounding names so that they receive more
payment and work from clients. Indians have perfected the art of bidding in
English names and then when you receive payment, you get to see a Singh or
Pranav. I do not blame them, they are doing this because there are some people
who think that third world countries will never make it but they are wrong,
writers from Africa and India
are the most talented and very hardworking. If you are a person looking for
writers to get you, the articles you need stop going after the so called highly
qualified native English writers simply because they are from a so called
native country. You can get great writers from Africa and India and at a good rate not cheap
but something better because those expensive guys ask you to pay ten dollars
per article and then they still outsource to us at a lower rate. Do not be cheated, the British taught us
English and we do speak the queen’s English.Let us talk business today.
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