The ultimate Teen Money making Guide

Let us face it, as a teenager you probably have a lot of needs and wants that your parents seem not to understand. You do get an allowance but it is not enough to cover all your expenses. You also want to have fun as a teenager, going to prom or taking a road trip but all those things require cash. You also might find yourself in a situation where you have to save for college. So what do you do? Do you get mad at your parents and start rebelling against them or do you do what smart people do? Well the smart option is the best and thus a guide to help you make money in your teenage years.

 Age requirements
Before you delve into the world of work it is important to get acquainted with the rules so that you do not end up being frustrated and disappointed. The most important rule is that of your age.
Most employers love having teenage workers because the beauty of such a young person is their strength and vitality. What is more, as a teen you are truly motivated since you need all the money in the world. Therefore employers are ready to hire you whether it is part time or during summer.
In the United States most employers hire teens from the age of sixteen. It is important to know that your age determines the kind of job you get. The more the job requires, the older you will have to be.
According to the federal laws you need to be at least fourteen years in order to do non-agricultural jobs. Fourteen and fifteen year olds should not work more than three hours daily and eighteen hours weekly in their school year. During the holidays or summer they can work for eight hours a day and forty hours a week but time should be observed. There is no working beyond 7 p.m. and no working between June 1 and Labor Day.
Sixteen and seventeen year olds have no limits when it comes to the number of hours they can work. There are some jobs also considered hazardous for persons under eighteen for example working in construction sites or industrial plants. In some states, teens are required to have working papers and you can find out more about this from your school’s guidance office.
You should also know that information technology opens great doors for you when it comes to job opportunities. Today you are able to access plenty of jobs online however there are also requirements to be fulfilled one of them being age. The age requirements vary but get to know what your state requires. It is also important that you get your parents approval before you venture into any online business.


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