Should you purchase the Google nexus?

It may become one of the best decisions you have made when it comes to acquiring gadgets if you choose to purchase the Google nexus. It is a 7 inch tablet which delivers to the user a solid performance at a very good value. Although many say they would require a larger space as this 8GB model has accessible space of up to 5.62GB only and do not have a microSD slot, it has still been admired by many people. It minimizes the glare which may cause eye problems and it is also very user friendly. The Google nexus do not have a rear facing camera. The designer chose to go for quality instead. Besides, the device is too big to go around with it for the purpose of taking pictures. The camera in this device faces infront which is pretty efficient for video chat.

The Google nexus has a high demand since retailers started selling the gadgets as some say it has been flying off the shelves to the hands of the customers who move fast with the technology. In most websites they have listed this product as backordered or out of stock due to the rising demand of the device. All this is because the new device is tempting to acquire for most people. Choosing a retailer carefully is a crucial factor to consider should you choose to buy the google nexus. But those who anxiously need to get the Google nexus, they may not have so many options.

For those who have already purchased the Google nexus have found the process of getting the device a little difficult. An obvious place where you would think of starting is Amazon. This may fail to come true any time soon as Google considers retailers like Amazon as direct competitors thus may not be willing to transfer the devices to them. However, the devices must reach the customer in some way. Google is sticking with the retailers with big names to supply their new devices. Some are currently out of stock but that changes immediately they receive the stock so it is better to keep checking.



  1. wow great i have read many articles about this topic and everytime i learn something new i dont think it will ever stop always new info , Thanks for all of your hard work!

  2. Thank you so much David and please do not shy away. You are welcome to keep on reading and commenting plus also give constructive critisim. Once again I appreciate all my readers out there.


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