Online working opportunities

Now I said that you have whatever it is you need to succeed and it is really true. If you have the gift of writing then do not just limit it to writing love poems to your crush instead why not get online and start writing. Let us look at different ways of writing through which you can earn some good money.
Working online/PHOTO/

Writing blogs
You can start writing about what interests you and post them on a blog. You can use Wordpress or blogger platforms. Get your parents to assist you. Then get writing and ensure that your content is constructive or else you will get in a lot of trouble when you post trash. Good content means that you can put adverts in your blog and whenever people click these adverts, you earn some revenue. The best way to have adverts is through Google AdSense.
Writing articles
You can write articles for different clients. There are freelance sites that you can get lots of article writing work like, Iwriter and Upwork. These three so far are the best although with Iwriter you do not have to bid for work. Just ensure that you write well and within the stipulated deadline.
 Do gigs
There are sites online where you can do different kinds of gigs including writing. One good example of such sites is Fiverr whereby you charge at least five dollars for a gig.
 Write eBooks
Do you know the kind of problems your age mates go through? If so then you are in a good position to write about them as eBooks and sell them online through sites like Amazon. You can also write stories about your school adventures or a fictional character.
Shared revenue sites
So you do not want to go through the hustle of setting up a blog? Well I understand so why not write on sites where you will share revenue that is brought in by your article? Examples of such sites are Hubpages, Helium, Bukisa and Yahoo contributor network.
Write local news
With everyone having a smartphone then there is no limitation as to what they can do. If you observe any unusual happenings in your area or attend an event then you can also write about the same and sell to a local newspaper company. Ensure that you take good photos because a good story is always accompanied by a good photo which will speak more than a thousand words. If you are good then you can become a freelance news agent.
Photography and surveys
There are those of us who do a different kind of writing and the kind of writing that they do is through the camera which says more than a thousand words.
If you are into photography then do not give up because you can still make money online and offline. Take photos and sell them online on sites such as ShutterStock and ShutterPoint. You can also photograph people during different events like birthdays and weddings. Do not look down on little opportunities because that is how the greats started.
You can also take part in surveys and get paid. Many companies need to make decisions but they cannot simply because they need to collect enough information from the market so as to act. These companies pay for your time because it will go a long way in making their company a better one. Such sites where you can be paid for taking part in surveys are My Survey, Survey Savvy and Chooz. Your views as a teenager count because you form the largest percentage of the consumer market.
You can also get paid to review music. All you need to do is to listen to the music and then give your thoughts about it. Another good site is Slice the Pie where you are paid to review new artists. You need to be at least seventeen so as to sign up as a member. For every track reviewed you get to earn $0.20. For you to earn more there other factors that are to be considered like your rank in the site and the quality of your review. Payments are made twice in a week through PayPal that is Tuesday and Friday. This is so long as you have accumulated ten dollars or more.

Applications, websites and games
So you always find yourself developing something new to make our lives easier and that is the spirit because the world is changing every day. You can make an application that reminds your classmates about class tests or even one that helps them study topics taught during the term. This is for someone who is motivated and is not afraid of trying many times before they finally make it.
With plenty of websites and blogs all over there is need for website designers. If you are the kind of youngster with designing skills then this is your kind of gig. A good site for such kind of work is Project4hire. In this site you are connected to blog and website owners. In the site it has been found that teens are more preferred because they have a strong imagination and creativity as compared to adults who have a lot on their mind to deal with apart from work.
This is a good opportunity for you to make good bucks. Always strive to outdo your last project. Clients will always notice good work and you might be approached by several offering a permanent position as the one who maintains their website.
Being a designer also means that you can make logos for sites, businesses, mobile apps. You can make several and sell them on You can also sell eBook covers and blog templates or even advert banners.
If you are good with animations then you can also develop a game and sell it.
Organize events
Are you always in charge of things in class or are you always trusted with responsibilities at home and at school? Well then the idea here is that you are being groomed to become an events organizer because it is known that you always get things done.
Start by organizing birthday parties, mother’s day or father’s day and then you can move up to other events as you get older. If you are good then word about what you do and how do it will spread all over. Make business cards so that you can also let people know about you.
You need to be a person who has the patience to see their business grow. Do not be greedy in that you spend all that you earn. You need to plough back profits for your business to grow and expand.

 Sell stuff online
If you can sell ice to an Eskimo why not sell stuff online? There is no need to raise a lot of capital when you can simply set up your store online and sell. You can sell anything from collectables, art, music and even t-shirts. The best site online for doing this kind of business is eBay. Get to know the guidelines that they operate with before you get started.
Take part in a research
Researchers are always looking for people to take part in their research project as part of a study group. Different researchers pay differently and it also depends on the kind of study being conducted. This means you will have to be alert and also open minded because you do not know what kind of research you will be expected to take part in.
There are also other types of research that actually cannot be termed as such but they are the best thing to participate in if you read a lot and also usually find your friends coming to you for advice. A good site online is Postloop where you get paid every time you comment on a blog or forum. Do not just make a one word comment; make the comment after doing your own proper research. You are paid via PayPal once you have accumulated five dollars or more.

If you are a good listener then you can put your skills into good use by listening to audios or videos and then typing exactly what you hear.  There are several sites online for you to get such kind of jobs. There is TranscribeMe and Casting words. You can also try Uhaul which is a truck company. All you need is a computer, good internet speeds and great headphones. With Uhaul you have to be at least sixteen years so that you get hired and the pay is quite good considering that you are paid between seven dollars to eight dollars an hour and when the bonuses are included then you can earn up to fifteen dollars an hour.
Online tutoring
Good in math or any other subject? You do not have to wait till you graduate to become a teacher. There are plenty of sites where you can sign up and start teaching but the most reliable one is Enroll. You can tutor on any subject and they do not require you to have teaching experience. You only need to be fifteen years and above and before you know it you can tutor other students on a subject that you are very knowledgeable in. think about what such a job can do to your resume. Start adding value to yourself when young so that when you are grown it will be easy to break forth in any industry that you specialize in.

Pay to click sites
There is nothing wrong with try therefore try until that golden goose lays a golden egg. You can join pay to click sites whereby you click on ads and get paid. The two sites that are quite popular are Neobux and Clixsense. There are also tasks to be done which might take a lot of your time but you still get to earn. Yes the cents will eventually make sense. I am saying this because the earnings are so little since most clicks are $0.001 per click. Only opt for this kind of job when you cannot tell your left from the right because it will not earn you much as compared to the work you put in.
Social media
Are you very active on social media and do you have many followers? Then you can actually become an opinion leader who is paid to advertise products and services on your Facebook timeline and tweets. Businesses are looking for people like you who get so many likes or people retweeting your tweets because you are influential and that is the kind of influence they want to rub on their products or services. So instead of just having friendly chats with your followers, it is better you start engaging them in a manner that will get the attention of businesses.
YouTube is not only for watching videos. It is also another avenue for earning revenue. This is through the YouTube partnership program whereby advertisements will appear on your videos and you are paid per click or impression. For you to be able to sign up for this program you will have to be the original owner of all the content that appears on your YouTube account. The content should not be obscene and should be something that can be watched by kids too. I guess that explains the plenty of cat videos on YouTube but truth is that people love watching such videos and you can make them then the better for you.
Ensure that you upload a video every week and that they are of good quality. Your channel only becomes popular if it is updated regularly. You will get an email from YouTube if your videos are popular and you will be asked to sign up for the program but you can also apply even without receiving the email. Just ensure that you are really good. Ensure that you read the guidelines before signing up so that you do not have any regrets. If you are not approved at first then wait till two months are over then try again. Ensure that you abide by all the rules because it takes discipline to make good money.
For you to be able to get your payments online you will need an online account where you will receive your money. The best one is PayPal. Do ensure that you set it up with your parents’ assistance. You also need an email address and good internet. Do ensure that you do not meet with strangers that meet on the net without your parents being there.

There are a lot of opportunities for you under the sun therefore do not underestimate yourself thinking that you are too young to start pursuing your dreams.
The internet is not only a work platform but also a networking platform that allows you to interact with other like-minded peers thus exposing you to useful information or you could even find your future business partner.
Good opportunities come disguised as hard work so do not be afraid to start or get a little dirt on your collar. For such a teenager, the future is bright. Your dreams do not come served in a silver platter, as much as they are valid, you will have to work your way to them. You might want to own your own IT Company but since you may not have a good computer, you have to be a waiter or flip burgers at a certain restaurant. You will then save the money till it is enough to buy you what you need to get started.
There is no such thing as a bad beginning. Truth is we all start simple but it all becomes beautiful as the whole thing unfolds. So go ahead, do not be idle. Be industrious and work smart. Your tomorrow is dependent on what you do today.



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