Ethics in Journalism

I have just watched a certain channel in my country Kenya and I hate how one journalist conducted an interview. That is not my favourite channel simply because I think there is a certain level of professionalism lacking
                  Kenyan Honorable Member of Parliament/PHOTO/
Unless my professors are wrong but as a 3rd year student of Communication and Media, one thing is for certain and that is ethics. No matter how sweet the story is, I should not add my own ingredients or fuel the fire. There is supposed to be fair balance where both parties are heard equally.
The problem with some Kenyan media houses is that they think journalism is about the face, the tweng and popularity. No, there is more to delivering news than good looks and slanted facts so as to attract ratings.
Yes news should hit us with a bang. Yes us, the viewers not you the journalist. How I wished I was the one conducting that interview, I would have given the party exposed negatively good airtime then leave it to the audience to decide. The journalist decided to take over and show who is boss.
But maybe that is the problem. That is how media in Kenya packages news, in that before we even make up our minds, the decision has been made for us. Remember it is the media that informs us and therefore they choose what to tell us. One of the media roles is to set an agenda.
It is about time the watchdog watched himself. What happened today on that channel was shameful and showed total unprofessionalism. Where was the producer? Who let the dogs out? Damn. I am not siding with the honourable who couldn’t attach a remote control to his tongue but you have to look at the man in the mirror.

We have been to public offices and at times they drive you crazy by how they drag themselves or mistreat you because you are not getting the hint that you are being given. You can actually go nuts. Oh wait we do go nuts but the problem is we are not prominent enough to hit the headlines. Hell no, we would be in jail cells with no one to tell our story.


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