It is said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The same goes for what happened today. University students went to the streets to tell the government enough is enough.

For those who are saying that we did it all wrong, I beg to differ. It all went well until the police launched their tear gas and guns. Where is our freedom? Why can’t we sing the freedom song in our country?

 We are not violent but our parents are the same people being highly taxed, they are the same people being bombed and they are the same people paying money because of Anglo leasing.

Surely who will save us? Do they want the youth of this country to be so desperate that they will lured into the dens of Al Shabbab, God forbid.

The leaders in this nation as compared to leaders worldwide, school their children outside Kenya. Somebody should bring sanity in here. Teachers and lecturers are not well paid, we are not being given our transcripts on time, some lecturers are poor in content, food and transport is a scarcity, moving around is scary due to terror and now you want to terrorize my hopes of getting a Bachelor’s Degree?

What Larry Madowo or KU says is cheap, cheap I tell you in the essence of whose side are you on, the Kenyan who lives below one dollar per day or one who even does not know the price of chapati madondo?

You make a video objectifying women and glorifying sex yet you have vocal cords and then you want comrades to shut up? We’ve got to live and learn so as to earn. I want my degree and I want it in Kenya, the commission of High education should stick to high education in terms of knowledge not High education in terms of Money.

Now back to my quotation, that’s from a movie yea for wars come and go but my soldiers remain eternal-Tupac. We hope for a better Kenya with affordable education.


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