Busy But not in Business; of young people who work on Facebook.

On Thursday I received a Facebook friend request from a guy named Steve M. I accepted the request. The next day he sent me a message that he has no job and has realized that for him to get one, he must have connections and he wants me to get him a job.
First of all I was shocked at this negative attitude that the young man had. I have seen people selling sweets on the road to earn a living, I was once a maid when I was in high school trying to get money to go back to school, there are men who push heavy carts daily and do tiring construction work so just that they can take something home and there you are spending all the time in the world browsing and telling people to get you a job!

Many people have lost jobs because of irresponsible use of social media/PHOTO/LAMEBOOK,THE GUARDIAN AND POPSUGAR.COM

To me that young man insulted all that there is to respect about Labor Day. Why do some people think that others have it easy while they suffer? I told him that I worked my ass off and he called me a prostitute. Talk of ignorance and laziness put together. Well I told him to Google the meaning of work ass off.
I also took a look at the kind of friends he had and the photos they had put up for others to see. Seriously you expect to be hired while your Facebook page is full of Porn Pictures?
Employers today check you out on social media before hiring you because you will be the face of their organization and you must present them well.
So how can you get a job without connections?
·         Be responsible on social media; do not post what might incriminate you.
·         Join constructive groups like Awesome transcribers where they discuss jobs and placements of working online.
·         Start small. Rear chicken, plant something, open a kiosk, join road construction.
·         Be informed. Instead of spending time chatting why not check OLX for job ads.
·         Believe that you have what it takes but you have to take small steps.
I wish we could all see what is around us; you are your own connection. Do not just stay in the house and Facebook, go out and take a walk in town. Read the posters on the streets, information is power and the more you get of it, the closer you are to your job.
So shame on you Steve, as you are busy Facebooking, there is a Kenyan youth somewhere who has read about tomato farming and they are almost harvesting and reaping the profits so go get busy.
By the way, do read Smart Harvest every Saturday in the Standard and see how people create their own jobs.


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