Signs of a Mother Who is 25 Weeks Pregnant

Snoring by the 25 weeks pregnant mother is a normal occurrence and is usually caused by the increase in the blood flow to the membranes that contain lots of mucus in the nose regions. This brings about congestion in the nose which then results to the constant snoring by the mother. The mother may also have tingling hands which results from the increase blood pressures flowing on the blood vessels in the hands. The skin of the mother may change slightly as well as her hair and nails. This is often the period where the mother should start to discuss about her paternity leave with her bosses so as to give her ample time for the growth of the baby in a better environment.

The 25 weeks pregnant mother may have some difficulty while sleeping. Her hair and nails grow very fast and continuously as considered to other times. The weight of the mother increases and still continues to more. Small pimples like spots start to show up on the mothers areolas. These pimples produce an oily lubrication which is responsible for the nourishment of the nipples and keeps them suppler. Stretch marks are also very evident and are on the increase. They however fade away after the mothers pregnancy though in some women they could still be seen even after she has given birth.


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